Current/ up comming exibits:


Auction for

Medicine Frontiers/ Læger uden grænser

I have chosen to donate this piece to an auction organized by the art fair Kunst for alle

The oilpainting will be shown at the fair with 149 other donations.

Binding bids can be made as follows:

1) Directly  @kfa_auktion_lug on Instagram

2) By email to:

3) To the staff at the Art Fair 

UNTIL 5pm - October 6th, 2024 

(Bid does not include taxes n'freight)


Davis Gallery - Contemporary art

Summer group show

July 4th - 14th  +  August 1st - 10th

Bredgade 69

DK-1260 Copenhagen K

Opening hours:

Tuesday - Saturday 12 - 17

Inquiry: +4526216773


This amazing Summer exhibition is showing 22 artists and is marking both a new beginning after years of illness & June Jin's return to Copenhagen after 10+ years working with galleries in Jutland and abroad. 

Click paintings for price, size and purchase

through Davis Gallery's webshop


Art association

Spar Nord kunstforening


June Jin

Artist of the year 2023

...& she made her very 1st Lithography

The 2 pieces has flowing titles, which is June Jin's contribution to the ongoing debate about gender.

...& she/ her + ...& he/ him

The editions for Spar Nord counts 125, signed with numbers, of each piece

In addition

Gallery Hjorth has an edition of 15 pieces - signed with roman numbers. For you in or around Copenhagen, June Jin has a few of these available for pick up in her studio Copenhagen.

please give us a call or a text for purchase or appointment

Gallery Hjorth: +4522958852 - June Jin +4526539000



December 3rd, 2022


Grønnegade 25 - DK 8700 Horsens


Messecenter Herning  Hal H

Gallery Hjorth


Portrait now in Sweden

 The Carlsberg Foundation's Portrait Award

will be on display at the Ljungberg museum 

In 2021, The Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle showed the The Carlsberg Foundation’s Portrait Award exhibition.

The aim of the competition is to bring about greater interest for ‘the portrait’ amongst artists and the general public. The competition is open to entries in the form of a painting, a sculpture, a video, an installation or a work of sonic art or similiar. 

An international jury have selected the best portraits, which will be exhibited at the exhibition


The Reception

Anniversary Group show 

August 20th 2021

1pm - 5:30 pm







Opening MAY 7th

The Museum of National History

Frederiksborg Castle

...immortalized time

85 x 65 cm

oil on plexiglass

In 2021, The Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle hosts the Nordic competition The Carlsberg Foundation’s Portrait Award. It is the eighth time that the competition is held.

The aim of the competition is to bring about greater interest for ‘the portrait’ amongst artists and the general public. The competition is open to entries in the form of a painting, a sculpture, a video, an installation or a work of sonic art or similiar. 

An international jury have selected the best portraits, which will be exhibited at the exhibition

Portrait NOW! 2021

at The Museum of National History at Frederiksborg from May 2021.


Group show - Spring 2021

March 5th - May




24. - 26. Januar

Gallery Hjorth



MOA Art Fair

MOA er en kunstmesse som afholdes i Sevilla (tredje år i træk), i et lejlighedskompleks inde midt i Sevillas gamle bydel (Puente y Pellón, 9). Messen foregår i 11 lejligheder i én og samme opgang, og hvert galleri får tildelt en lejlighed. Her er åbent for publikum i hele 3 dage, med diverse aktiviteter, så som artist talks, happenings, performances, mm., udover udstillingerne i hver enkelt galleri/lejlighed.

Udstillende kunstnere 

Amanda Arancibia, Kirsten Merete Brøndum, Pabi Chulo, June Jin Engelharth, Marianne Frank, Luise Haugen, Tine Helleshøj, Tina Hille, Caroline Krabbe, Dorthe Steenbuch Krabbe, Jonas Pihl, Mette Rishøj, Charlotte Neel Ritto, Ann-Lisbeth Sanvig, Faranak Sohi, Kristian von Svensson, Anne Charlotte Tiedemann, Bertil Trolle, Mads Vestergaard
& Lene Winther





For the past year June Jin has been working on a portrait comission for Horsens Statsskole, who wants to exspand their collection. The portrait of the Danish singer and song writer Thomas Buttenschøn, will be revealed on March 22, 2019 at the institution.







777 the Creation, Group show

Aug. 17th - Sept. 22end

Grønnegade 25, 8700 Horsens

"the Creation"

7 artists retracted each day in the bibical creation. 7 pieces of artwork has emerged, with the individual interpretations.

The startingpoint is he the Old Testament, first book of Moses, Chapter 1 - 2.


1. Light                                         Siri Gindesgaard

2. Firmament                                Lauge Voigt

3. Earth and Plants                      Niels Corfitzen

4. Sun, Moon and Stars               Gregers Albrechtsen

5. Birds and creatures of the sea June Jin Engelharth

6. Land animals and humans       Kristoffer Martensen

7. Resting day                              Rasmus Rinhack

Special opening: Priest Hanne Henriksen will open the show at 7pm.

Relocation: 18/8 to Gallery Hjorth, Grønnegade 25, 8700 Horsens


On the opening day of the exhibition you can hear more about the individuals painted and the arsenic wallpaper.

Vernissage Sat. May 19th, 11am - 3 pm

...& deadly decor

A google search of the word green, a commission and a visit to Horsens Statsskole, which was founded in 1532, lead to the exhibition theme, title, and person depictions.

We are all familiar with the color green and for the modern human being it is hard to imagine, that it would be deadly, to get the color on your walls. Never the less, this was the case back in late 17 and 1800.

After 1775, White cobber arsenic was used in the production of green soap, candles, fabric, toys, grocery and wallpaper. In 1875 it became possible to produce wallpaper mechanical and therefore affordable for the Victorian middle class. Their homes where decorated with green wallpaper containing up to 1gram of arsenic per m2, that alone enough to kill hundreds.

The color green runs through the exhibition ”…& deadly decor”, which contain 18 oil paintings on canvas and green plexiglass. The motifs are depictions of persons, who have a historical connection to the knowledge of colors or the story about the arsenic wallpaper.

The idea to these depictions of historical person’s, came partly from a commission and a visit to the above mentioned school, where June Jin, got a guided tour through the extensive portrait collection. The collection shows the development in how people throughout 400 years, has chosen to be immortalized through painted portraits. Later this year, June Jin herself will contribute with a portrait to this very collection.



January 26th - 28th

Gallery Hjorth

(Booth 202)


Artist talk, Fine art painter June Jin & David Hoyle

Photo: Steen Hansen/ Warehouse9


'Garteau Marcel'


Ny udstilling i Gallery Hjorth med titlen 'Garteau Marcel' Åbner lørdag d.20-5-2017 kl. 11-15

Flere af kunstnerne deltager ved ferniseringen lørdag d.20-5-2017. udstillingen slutter d.24-6-2017.

Ideen til udstillingen udspringer af en intern joke i galleriet mellem galleristen, og Rasmus Rinhack, om at give noget godt/lækkert til sin bedste ven, i dette tilfælde en Chokoladekage, som vi begge holder meget af.

''Det er altid spændende at give meget forskellige kunstnere det samme tema at arbejde ud fra, det kommer der som regel nogle rigtig gode overraskelser ud af, og det er bestemt også tilfældet denne gang, da de arbejder i forskellige medier, og er meget forskellige mennesker''

Kunstnerne blev udfordret til at lave et kunstværk til deres bedste ven, eller en person som betyder meget for dem. Det er der kommet en samling spændende værker ud af, som ved første indtrykket kan virke barske og hårde, men alligevel er der masser af håb i værkerne, og en masse bløde værdier, det falder helt i tråd med Gateau Marcel chokoladekagen, som er hård uden på, og blød inden i. Det er samtidigt helt på linje med den stil Gallery Hjorth gerne vil vise/formidle, med vægt på kunstnerisk kvalitet, og indhold.

Kunstnerne på udstillingen: Niels Corfitzen - Pabi Chulo - Mette Rishøj - Siri Gindesgaard - Rasmus Rinhack - Lauge Voigt - Nicholas Imms - June Jin Engelharth + et par overraskelser.

Flere af kunstnerne deltager ved ferniseringen lørdag d.20-5-2017. udstillingen slutter d.24-6-2017.



2017 February 8 - 12,

Rotterdam Contemporary

World Trade Center

Gallery Hjorth (NL)

General information

Wednesday 8 – Sunday 12 of February 2017

World Trade Center Rotterdam

Beursplein 37

3011 AA, Rotterdam

The Netherlands

The 6th edition of Rotterdam Contemporary art fair will take place at the World Trade Center in Rotterdam. The fair will be held during the Rotterdam Art Week together with Art Rotterdam and other venues, creating the biggest art fair week in The Netherlands from

Wednesday 8th till Sunday 12th of February 2017.

Over the past years Rotterdam Contemporary Art Fair took place at the Cruise Terminal, located at Kop van Zuid. In 2017, the fair will move to the World Trade Center. The new location offers the fair a possibility to expand from 72 to over 90 stand presentations and to internationalize itself further on.

The expansion of the fair enables a wider presentation of contemporary art scene and offers an international platform for galleries and other exhibition spaces.



InKAS Art Biennale

November 1 - 8, 2016

Location SangMyung Art Center



August 26 - 28

June Jin will exhibit with

ROS GALLERY (Booth no.: 018)

Wonderland Spritten - Strandvejen 22, 9000 Aalborg

Gratis entré + parkering

Åbningstid 11 - 17



Area 35 art gallery


March - April 2016


Brewer J.C. Jacobsen's Portrait Award

will travel from

Museum of National History to

Ljungberg Museet in Sweden

September 12 - November 8   2015



collaborative show with 60 Korean artists

Ara Art Center SEOUL

November 18 - 24, 2015

Opening ceremony

Nov. 18th 4 pm



8 pages of June Jin Interview

Purchase here

A R T  C O P E N H A G E N


June Jin Engelharth will be shown by

Galleri LABR (BOOTH 60)


the SISO Project (Balcony BOOTH 58)

The SISO project is an exhibit koncept, which consists of established Korean artists

& emerging Korean adoptee artists, from 16 countries.

Every Second year, the SISO exhibition is shown outside Korea

This year in Copenhagen Denmark





The Interactive stil life is finally done!

a BIG heartfelt THANKS for all who chiped in ideas!

During my show "Nordic Masculinity comes in many forms" in Maj 2014. I made an interactive stil life in front of a canvas, where only the hamp where painted.

Visitors could compose their own stillife, which I have used to compose this piece.


U R B A N  Q U E E R I O S I T Y

7. nov. - 7. dec. 2014.

By June Jin & Kasper Heron Købke

Galleri Oxholm, Ravnsborggade 5 + 6, DK - 2200 Copenhagen N

Magasinet Kunst's review

w/The Gentleman

The Gentleman is both a neo cabaret/Burleque performer &

one of June Jin's models!

June Jin & Kasper Købke

Created a piece in collaboration!


AVAILABLE at Galleri Oxholm +4523412333

Urban Queeriosity is a show that revolves around the meeting between common & the more excentric citizens of Coenhagen. Queer means something that falls outside the norm. While Queeriosity is a mix of the english words: Queer & Curiosity (nysgerrighed). This is the artists own expression for their own curiosity towards the Queer society in Copenhagen.

Lonely Planet claims that Copenhagen in 2014 is the most gay friendly place on earth.




Misulsegye Gallery, Insadong-ro, Seoul

October 2014

Opening reception Oct. 1.

5 pm


A R T  C O P E N H A G E N  2014

19 - 21 SEPTEMBER        Largest art fair in Scandinavia



GALLERI  LABR Vindeboder 1 DK - 4000 Roskilde

May 3rd. - 28th. 2014

June Jin




Pressemeddelelse, København 28. august 2013

Bøsseblodet flyder i Københavnske gader og stræder!

Blodbad i Københavns gader og stræder

I 72 lande verden over er det stadig kriminelt at være homoseksuel og transkønnet, blandt andet Maldiverne, Iran og Afghanistan – det er det heldigvis ikke i Danmark, men derfor sker der stadig voldsomme hadforbrydelser i hele landet. følge PET var der fra 2010 til 2011 en stigning af registrerede hadforbrydelser på 15 %. Dog et fald fra 9% i 2010 til 6% i 2011 vedrørende seksuelt orienterede hadforbrydelser. I seneste udredning fra Institut for menneskerettigheder og justitsministeriets offer undersøgelser er der, et stort gab mellem antallet af registrerede hadforbrydelser og oplevede hadforbrydelser. For at illustrere hvilke lande der kriminaliserer homoseksualitet, har Billedkunstner June Jin kreeret 72 stykker blodig Street art, som udover at oplyse også sætter fokus på problemet med hadforbrydelserne på dansk jord.

Iflg. Peter, en veluddannet 54 årrig homoseksuel mand, oplevede han sammen med kæresten et overfald i 2009, parret cykler igennem Lars Bjørnstræde, efter en tur i biografen i indre København, de bliver passet op af en bil, som muligvis har set dem holde hånd eller bare viste glæde for hinanden, de forbipasserende trækker væk, gerningsmændene som er forsynet med jernstænger, stiger ud og omringer Peter og kæresten, Peter ringer 112 og beder om station 1, mens gruppen af gerningsmænd slår Peters cykel hen ad gaden, mens de kommer med trusler om vold og hadsk homofobisk tale. Politiet ankommer heldigvis hurtigt (sikkert på grund af Klimatopmødet!!!) og får passiviseret voldsmændene – hvorefter politiet siger: vi kan desværre ikke sigte dem da der ingen påviselig skade er sket, men vi giver Jer et forspring” hvorefter det skræmte homoseksuelle par må spæne af sted på deres cykler, som jaget vildt. (Kontakt til case går gennem June Jin)

Kunstner smører blod på kunstmessens gæster – Ville du hjælpe en forslået bøsse eller transkønnet?

Billedkunstneren June Jin vil gennem sin kunst sætte fokus på hadforbrydelser under kunstmessen Art Copenhagen i Forum 30. august – 1. september 2013.

Ud over Street Art har June Jin i samarbejde med Trans-project kreeret en happening under den internationale kunstmesse, Art Copenhagen dvs. et levende visuelt værk, hvor transkønnede og deres støtter vil gå rundt blandt publikum, indsmurt i blod. Transpersoners forhold er endnu værre end de homoseksuelles, både herhjemme og ude i verden. Spørgsmålet leder hen på, om du ville hjælpe en forslået og blødende minoritets person i bybilledet – eller ville du ligesom flertallet bare se på eller gå?

Fodnote 1:  Florida’s pointe er, at økonomisk vækst afhænger af sammenhængen mellem tre faktorer: Teknologi, Talent og Tolerance. Det sidste begreb er afgørende ifølge Florida, fordi talentet, som kreerer innovative løsninger, søger områder præget af tolerance og mangfoldighed. Derfor søger den kreative klasse (dvs. dem som skaber vækst) til steder med et internationalt miljø, kunstneriske tilbud og frem for alt, en åben og inkluderende atmosfære, hvor forskellige mennesketyper – bohemer, skæve eksistenser og tekniske begavelser – og forskellige nationaliteter kan eksisterer og inspirerer hinanden.

Paintings by June Jin

Sculptures by Christiam Svendsen

Galerie Contour

Portrait Now!

May - July 2013

In 2013, The Museum of National History is awarding Brewer J. C. Jacobsen's Portrait Prize for the fourth time. Scandinavian artists are participating in the competition in which an international jury chooses the winners and the portraits that will be a part of the exhibition Portrait Now! As a new feature Russian artists are invited to participate and thereby put Nordic portraits in perspective.

Brandreligion & Google Buddhism

June Jin Solo show

May 3. - June 3. 2013


AREA35 - A R T F A C T O R Y

Via Vigevano 35

20144 Milan, Italy 


Metta Kim Carter & The Royal Academy of Art Presents

Jacob Holdt - In Love With Humanity

June Jin where invited to show some of her paintings during this event.

They where also printed on the available gift - wines & on the artist catalogue.

   Lisbeth Zornig Andersen, hendes bror & Jacob Holt

Transgender day Copenhagen

November 20. 2012

5 pm

Onkel Dannys Plads, Bygning 66, 1711 Copenhagen



Custom House Copenhagen

March 7. - April 9. 2012


March 7. 5 pm - 7 pm

Sponsored by


Adoptee Art & Filmfestival in Seoul


41-9 Myeongnyun 2(i)ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul South Korea

November 18 - 19, 2011.